What Is Lockout Tagout?

What is Lockout Tagout?

You’ve heard of it before, but what does it mean? Lockout Tagout (or ‘LOTO’ for short) is a safety process which ensures that hazardous machinery and energy sources are properly shut off and are not started up unexpectedly while service work or maintenance is being completed. Activating the machinery or power source before these tasks are completed puts the person maintaining or servicing it at a high risk of harm.

Energy sources that are advised to be locked out during maintenance are:

  • Mechanical
  • Hydraulic
  • Electrical
  • Pneumatic
  • Thermal
  • Chemical
  • Radiation

Lockout Tagout procedures ensure that any of these hazardous power sources are isolated and rendered inoperative until the maintenance work is completed.

LOTO procedures often involve two pieces of simple equipment:

  1. A lock that will be secured to the hazardous power source to prevent it from being switched on
  2. A safety tag affixed to the locked device that warns others not to operate it

With heavy machinery in particular, it only takes a small accident or act of carelessness to lead to a very serious injury. That’s why implementing LOTO procedures should be an essential component of any industrial programme.

While locks and tags are key in implementing this procedure, a lockout programme needs to be carefully thought through by those in charge.

In summary… 

Lockout Tagout helps to safeguard workers around machinery and equipment they are servicing, maintaining or operating on by closing valves, securing moving parts, de-energising electrical circuits and neutralising extreme temperatures. It is an important element of a safety programme and is essential for keeping your workplace safe and compliant.

What Is LOTO

Safety lockout hasps used in conjunction with lockout padlocks for the isolation of machinery, plant and switchgear

What Is LOTO What Is LOTO

Heavy duty lockout tags in use

Are you interested in purchasing Lockout Tagout products? Click here for a range of Lockout products at Safe Industrial including Padlocks, Lockout Hasps, Lockout Safety Tags, Group Lockout Boxes, Valve Lockout and Circuit Breaker Lockouts.


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